Innovarte collaborates in Conversatory of the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia on Pandemic Treaty


On July 3, 2023, a seminar on the Pandemic Treaty currently under discussion at the WHO was held at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru.

Alicia Yamin, expert in human rights, participated in the event to analyze the course and proposals regarding the treaty.

The meeting was the result of a first meeting promoted by civil society organizations, in particular Acción Internacional para la salud, RedGE, Innovarte ONG and Corresponsales Clave, to make known the draft text of the treaty and encourage a broad and multisectoral discussion.

On this occasion, the academy assumed the responsibility of managing a university space from the Faculty of Public Health and Administration for the analysis of what will be in the future an international instrument for public policies that must respond to the needs of societies.

The above is the result of the effort of civil society organizations to involve academia in the debate, as well as health-related guilds.

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