NGO Innovarte Director presented Workshop on L&E work program and WIPO broadcasting organized by South Centre, KEI and PIJIP of AUWCL.


On April 27th, 2022, Luis Villarroel, Director of NGO Innovarte, was invited to speak at the Workshop on WIPO’s Limitations and Exceptions, and Broadcasters program organized by South Centre, Knowledge Economy International (KEI) and the Information Justice and Intellectual Property Program of the American University Washington College of Law.

The event, made up of various experts in the field, consisted of two parts. The first was related to the African Group’s proposal for a work program on exceptions and limitations, and the second part focused on the evaluation of proposals for a WIPO broadcasting treaty in 2022 and its implications for access to culture and knowledge.

It was in this second part, where Luis Villarroel, in the segment “The Treaty: What are its implications on the right to education (research, preserve, train and teach)?” presented on how the proposed text does not address the general problems of the old WIPO model treaty.

Please check out his presentation below: