Webinar invitation: Competition Regulation and Digital Platforms in Europe and Latin America


NGO INNOVARTE and the CENTER FOR REGULATION AND COMPETITION of the UNIVERSITY OF CHILE invite you to participate in the seminar on Competition Regulation and Digital Platforms in Europe and Latin America, to be held on June 14, 2023, via Zoom from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (Chilean time).

This seminar, which is free of charge, will address the experiences and perspectives of public authorities from Europe and Latin America, as well as experts, on the most relevant current challenges related to digital markets. 

Cani Fernández, President of the National Commission of Markets and Competition, a representative of the European Commission, as well as Alejandro Faya Rodríguez, Commissioner of the Federal Economic Competition Commission of Mexico; Jaime Barahona, Minister of the Court for the Defense of Free Competition; and Francisca Levin, Head of the Mergers Division of the Fiscalia Nacional Económica of Chile (National Economic Prosecutor’s Office), have already confirmed their participation in this meeting. We will also share perspectives from the private sector and academia with Thomas Vinje, Partner and Senior Counsel of the Competition practice at Clifford Chance; Jorge Padilla, Senior Managing Director of Compass Lexecon in Madrid; Francisco Agüero, Director of the Center for Regulation and Competition at the University of Chile; and Michael Jacobs of Michael Jacobs Law & Consulting.

To register please fill out the form by clicking here: https://bit.ly/14ju23